About Pat
pat@bartonstonework.com | (425) 643-0756
I have always been drawn to and fascinated by rocks. I started out grinding and polishing agates and other hard stone into cabochons when I was in high school. I have been creating core drilled stone vases and stone planters for the last 15 years.
I use a variety of natural stone: river rock, for it’s rounded and naturally sculptured forms; obsidian, with both glassy fractured surfaces and flow patterns on the existing surface; small basalt columns, with polygonal shapes, caused by the cooling of the lava, and organic colored surfaces; and olivine and serpentine for their beautiful green colors. The stone’s shape or form contributes to the success of the flower arrangement or planting. The stone should not overpower the arrangement, but should complement it.
Colors and textures in the stones vary, giving many choices when selecting a stone for your use. Having an area of the stone that is polished lets the viewer see what the interior of the stone looks like. In my stone sculpture I also leave some of the stone’s original form, with the rest of the stone being shaped and polished. I find that combining rough stone and polished stone complements and balances a sculpture.
I worked as a pile driver doing heavy marine construction for 32 years, 25 of those years I worker for Manson Construction based in Seattle, Wa. I retired in October of 2007. My experience using tools and solving problems carries into my art work. I have modified concrete core drilling equipment hold and drill many of the stones that I use. I have also assisted other stone sculptors on large carvings and the installation of those pieces. By attending symposia, and workshops, I have been able to improve my style, technique, and my art.
Central Washington University, Geology, 1972
Northwest Stone Sculptors Association: Stone carving symposium at Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, Wa. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Northwest Stone Sculptors Association: Stone carving symposium, Silverfalls State Park, Oregon. 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Stone Fest, Marenakos Stone Center, Preston Washington. 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Deborah Wilson, Vernon, B.C. Jade carving workshop, 6 days, 2012.
Verena Schwippert, Arlington, Wa. “Mussel Beach” sculptures, Eddon Park, Gig Harbor, Wa. Under Verena’s guidance, I assisted with the carving and the instillation of these three large carvings. 2013
Northwest Flower and Garden Show, NWSSA’s Group show, Seattle, WA
Kenmore Art Show, Bastyr University, 2nd place sculpture, 2nd place artisan, NWSSA Award
East King County Rock Club Show, Stone Sculpture group show in hay barn, Issaquah, WA
Art in Bloom, Duval. WA.
Kruckeburg Botanical Garden, Shoreline, WA.
Community Artists Program, Seattle Design Center, Seattle, WA.
Northwest Stone Sculptor’s Association Show at Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, WA
Marenakos Stone Center, Preston, WA.
Snoqualmie River Arts Tour, Fall City, WA.
Bellevue Rock Club Show, Stone sculpture display
Northwest Flower and Garden Show, NWSSA’s Group show, Seattle, WA
Kenmore Art Show, Bastyr University, NWSSA Award & honorable mention, Kenmore, WA
Arts in Bloom, Duvall, WA
Northwest Stone Sculptor’s Association Show at Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, WA
Winterfest, Marenakos Stone Center, Preston, WA
East King County Rock Club Show, Stone Sculpture group show in hay barn, Issaquah, WA
Bellevue Rock Club Show, Bellevue, WA
Northwest Flower & Garden Show, NWSSA’s Group show “Best educational booth,” Seattle, WA
Issaquah Art Walk, Group show of stone sculptures, Issaquah, WA
Kenmore Art Show, Bastyr University, “NWSSA Award,” Kenmore, WA
Northwest Stone Sculptor’s Association Show at Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, WA
Arts in Bloom, Duvall, WA
Winterfest, Marenakos Stone Center, Preston, WA
East King County Rock Club Show, Stone Sculpture group show in hay barn, Issaquah, WA
Bellevue Rock Club Show, Bellevue, WA
Northwest Flower and Garden Show, NWSSA’s Group show, Seattle, WA
Northwest Stone Sculptor’s Association Show at Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon, WA
Matzke Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park, Camano Island, WA
Nooksack PowWow, Jade show and stone sculpture, Deming, WA
Winterfest, Marenakos Stone Center, Preston, WA
Eastshore Gallery, Bellevue, WA
Bellevue Rock Club Show, Bellevue, WA